AU Post Potter RP
Hell Hath No Fury
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The newest batch of Hogwarts students have entered this historic school and no one knows how their future will turn out - will you be a quidditch pro or maybe a prefect? The year is now 2021, and now it's time for the next generation to make their mark. The newest batch of Hogwarts students have entered this historic school and no one knows how their future will turn out - and that is where the fun begins. The plot will be determined by the characters of the site as of now - future plots will change as these forces weigh in on the Wizarding World, and we see where these characters take us. So join in and let your character make their mark! Minimum word count is 200.
Post Potter RP
Cityscapes Premade Theme Punki of Adoxography & Pixel Perfect
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year 2021
August 22
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