I'll make my own way down to hell without your help.
He moves. He's always moved. There's an energy about his body at all times. They tell him that when he was little he'd bop constantly. It doesn't change as he grows older. There's a stutter as he speaks and his mind is always in overdrive, and the extra energy seeps out of him constantly in droves of accidental magic. At first, no one thinks it will ever be controlled.
One of his older sisters takes dance classes in the summers between school years, and one day he goes with his mother to pick her up. They're early, and the pre-teens are still dancing, and he moves. He always moves. One of the instructors spots him and he's not sure of the conversation between them and his mother, but he knows he comes every week after that. He moves, and he's trained, and his body
As he grows he learns to channel that concentration. His parents were concerned about the accidental magic, but when he's dancing they don't come. As he grows, he's not physically intimidating - he doubts he ever will be - but he's strong. He dances, he runs. He plays football with muggle children in the village and he swims in the local pool. He
moves. He's in control.
He's the youngest child by a long way. The youngest of four with the next youngest nearly a decade older. His eldest sister was a seventh year when he was born. He's an uncle by the age of 5.
He's sure he was doted on before then, but grandchildren prove rather exciting. His father pays him little attention except to assure him arithmancy will be his forte, like him and his brother. He's shown charts but he can't make sense of them. He's told he'll understand it when he's older. He's not sure he will. He just wants to move.
Hogwarts comes as relief and mystery all at once. He's spent the last year living with his eldest sister and her husband and children as their parents lived in India. Something to do with father's work. They were going for a month initially and he was given the choice to go, but took his sister's offer to stay in England with her and her family instead. Then it was extended to years. He doesn't mind so much.
The castle seems like one giant obstacle course when he first arrives and he's thrilled. He wants to run through the grounds. He wants to swim in the lake. He wants to jump the moving staircases without knowing for sure he'll make the landing. He wants to play quidditch.
Lessons aren't like his dance classes. He has to sit and his mind constantly wanders. When he's told he has to be still nothing can keep his attention, and mostly he struggles. Their first practical DADA lesson he thinks
this is more like it. Its deliberate movements over thought processes. He can do that.
When he gets to third year he take half a class of arithmancy before deciding it was a terrible idea - he thinks about switching to muggle studies. Then he thinks about his father.
He sticks with arithmancy.
His first thought upon meeting Dominique Weasley is that she's an angel sent from heaven. His second is that she's an asshole. He can't remember exactly what she'd said but it had him reeling. She was so self-assured, and they were
eleven. He was a goner from that moment.
They're sorted into different houses so luckily he doesn't spend 100% of his time feeling like his chest is burning - more like 30%. Just during the classes they share and during meal times. He tends to sit on the side of the Hufflepuff table that means he's facing the Gryffindors. As the years go by it seems a bit tragic, but somehow its a soothing constant in his life.
They both end up making their house quidditch teams. Both chasers. He's glad he didn't try out for keeper like he'd been considering as he's not sure he'd ever have been able to save any quaffle she'd thrown at him. Quidditch is fun and like everything else she puts her all into it. She's competitive, and he's not usually but he is in this. He'd just tried out to have an excuse to be outside more. To keep moving. Her attitude makes him competitive.
She starts a group and he can't
not go, even if none of his immediate friends do at first. He goes to the first meeting and sits at the back, listening. He has some muggle blu tack in his hands to play with, and it helps him concentrate but he's sure she thinks its a distraction. That he's purposefully not paying attention. That he's not hanging on her every word. For weeks he just sits and listens. He can't remember the first statement he questioned verbally, he just remembers looking her dead in the eye as he said, "
But does it?"
He becomes the devil's advocate. He doesn't really have a consistent stance on anything but he has an ability to see holes in plans and he's sure as hell going to vocalise them even if it does turn into an argument. He's not sure she appreciates it but she responds and that's really all he needs from her.
One day it goes too far. He's had a day that started with a letter from home and just got worse, and she's clearly got a bigger stick up her arse than usual. The 'discussion' turns into an argument in record time and the cuts are
deep. From both of them. Its whilst he's curled up in the Hufflepuff dorm licking his wounds that he realises
things cannot continue this way. He's infatuated and it hurts. He's obsessed and it
At breakfast the next day he sits with his back to the Gryffindors.