part one - 3
You think you remember falling.
A slow tumble, building momentum. A faint scream in the distance. And then a solid presence; the feeling stops. You're safe.
You didn't even know you were in danger.
Someone's arms are around you, and you're being gently rocked as the heartbeat you can feel beneath your face begins to calm. Its daddy, you can tell. Its smells like him. He's muttering reassurances of sorts to you as he checks you over for injuries. You're making it hard for him as you look above, trying to spot the blossom you were so desperate to reach. The first flower of the season.
Oh, Merlin, my Little Moon, you don't need to climb so high to reach the stars.But you just wanted the flower. You think afterwards he climbed up himself and picked it for you, but honestly that bit is hazy. It is your first memory, after all.
part two - 9
You're not sure what you were expecting once your brothers were both away for school. The main difference is that everything is... quieter. You thought it was quiet after James left but with Albus gone too its almost eerie.
Mum and Dad feel it too, but you suspect they're trying to keep things as normal as possible. Maybe they would be if you tried as well, but stirring up fake arguments with them isn't fun like it is with the boys. They take it too seriously. It ends in tears where it never would have with your brothers. That's when you really start to miss them.
Its a gradual development, but towards Christmas you realise dad's been working more and more. You remember being told about something high priority at work, but really you don't know any details. Mum does, you think, but she's always been good at keeping secrets, so even though it seems weird to have gone from seeing dad every day to seeing him maybe twice a week, she doesn't seem overly concerned.
She does, however, go into mother/daughter overdrive. You find yourself suddenly always together and its... nice? But its getting to be a bit too much for you. You've gone from being part of a bigger unit to just being a two, and it feels rude to wish for your Hogwarts enrollment to just
hurry up, please. For some space.
Because you love her, she's great, but really you need some time alone.
part three - 12
This isn't what you meant.
There's tears. There are so many tears. You can't control it at first - just a constant stream, until they stop and won't come back. You feel hollow.
He was so young, they keep telling you.
What a terrible accident.
But I'm so young too! You want to yell at them. You don't want them to take comfort from you and your family, you don't want them to take solace in your ability to act like you'll be OK. You're not OK. None of you are OK. He wasn't even OK before it happened.
He never knew his parents, people actually have the gall to tell you,
at least you knew him.
They might as well tell you its your duty to breed and then die.
Everyone grieving for a hero, and you're stuck wondering if it really is a legacy.
part four - still 12
Christmas that year is weird. You're spending the day itself with extended family, but the rest of the school holiday you feel like you're floating.
Mum doesn't even try to make things normal, and to be honest you appreciate it. Accepting the fact its not right means at least at home you're not pretending.
You wake up early on Christmas morning. Too early, really. The clock reads 4.30am when you finally look at it after tossing and turning for what feels like eternity, but was probably more like an hour. When you were little this would be when you'd open the presents in the stocking at the end of your bed, and then run into mum and dad's room to show them off. The darkness swells in your heart as you think about it, getting up because lying still is making you feel worse.
You notice the shape on your desk as you head to your bedroom door, a lone box that wasn't there when you went to sleep, and you have to investigate immediately. You unwrap it slowly, your eyes filling up with tears you don't even attempt to hold back, because you'd all agreed on no stockings, but of course mum had to do
At first you thought it was a potions kit, because she knows that's your favourite subject and would be appreciated, but mum's been avoiding Wizarding areas since it happened, and there's no way she would've paid a visit to Diagon Alley. The tears bubble over and turn to laughter as you realise what in the box. A muggle chemistry set.
No Diagon Alley then. Its perfect.
You run to mum's room to show it off.
part five - 14
Coming back to school is always the worst. Every year you think
this time it won't be as bad, this time it won't hit so hard, but then the carriage turns and Hogwarts comes into view. The old brick work, the looming towers.
The turret your father flew into two years ago and never came back from.
You should have just put your head between your legs for the journey from the train, but you talked yourself out of it again this year. Not very Gryffindor to hide really, is it. Besides, you jumped into a random carriage and you don't even know the people you're sat with. You think they might be second year Ravenclaws. You need to appear
You can ignore it most of the school year, but its always at the forefront of your mind when the castle first comes into view. Mostly because you'd never arrived this way before it happened. This journey has no other memories for you.
You take a deep breath. In, and out. Count backwards, down from 10. You just need to get the Great Hall and have people around you. You won't break down in front of everyone, you'll have to keep it in.